CV Escrow | Bring The Outdoors In With Plant Decorating
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Bring The Outdoors In With Plant Decorating

Bring The Outdoors In With Plant Decorating

iStock_000008564360XSmallDon’t have a room with a view?  Make one with plants!  Plants are the perfect way to beautify interior space. They’re inexpensive, easy to obtain and provide instant gratification. All it takes is a little imagination to transform a lackluster room into a striking design statement.

The first step in decorating organically is evaluating your space.  Plants can go anywhere.  They live on ledges, hang from ceilings and fill empty voids. Foremost considerations are lighting and room size. If you have a miniscule kitchen with southern exposure, consider an herb garden on the windowsill.  It not only adds a vivid pop of greenery, it delivers something equally pragmatic—fresh herbs for cooking!

The second step is what to house them in. Keep it affordable by resurrecting containers like vases, pots or ceramic jars. Just about anything is fair game as a plant container – from glass water jugs (great for terrariums) to watering cans or birdcages (excellent for training climbers like ivy).

Finally, determine the best plant for the room. Need a big impact?  Go for a larger specimen like a Heart Leaf Philodendron or Rubber Tree that sits in a floor container.  Have a vacant corner too small for furniture? Consider a hanging basket filled with English Ivy, Pothos or other variety that adds a note of elegance. Make sure to find a plant that will thrive in the lighting exposure your room provides.

Plants not only add style and flair, they also improve indoor air quality. An important thing to remember, however, is that some plants are poisonous. If you have children or pets within arm’s reach (or paw’s reach), ensure houseplants are non-toxic.  Learn more about the power of plants at these links:

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