07 Feb Who Are You Spending Your Time With? A Few Thoughts From Our President, Jeff Russell
Have you heard the saying by Jim Rohn, “We are the average of the five people we spend the most time with”? So, that was said in the 21st century, but here’s another one in a similar vein that was said in the sixth century BC by the Greek Poet, Theognis of Megara: “From good people, you’ll learn good, but if you mingle with the bad you’ll destroy such soul as you had.”
So, this stuff ain’t new. I researched this and found some studies (remember what I said about studies? You can always find them to support both sides). Of course, there were ones that said this idea was accurate and others that said it wasn’t.
I can share with you from my life experience that the more positive people I have brought into my life that I admire, the more I have learned and the better my life has become.
On the flip side, I am not saying to cut ties with everyone who brings negativity to your life or people in your family that bring you down. Instead, think about changing your story by spending more time with people who help you, lift you up, and bring joy to your life.
Find a mentor. (Take a look at this message from 2021 if you need some help with this). Start a conversation with someone you respect. Say, “Hi, I’d like to hear your story. You seem happy, successful, and I admire the way you treat others.”
We humans can’t do it alone. We can’t reach our full potential without being in the company of other great people. So, in the upcoming week, make a list of people you admire and reach out to connect for a cup of coffee.
Life is good. – Jeff
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